copywriting vs content writing

Copywriting vs content writing: What’s the difference?

Thinking that copywriting and content writing are the same thing, or getting the two terms mixed up, is quite common.

So, let’s clarify the difference once and for all!

This guide explores the distinctions between copywriting and content writing, helping you decide which approach is right for your business.

You’ll discover:

  1. The differences between copywriting and content writing.
  2. What’s better for business growth: copywriting or content writing?
  3. What to consider when hiring copywriters versus content writers.

Already know what part you want to read? Feel free to jump ahead!

What’s the difference between copywriting and content writing?

Copywriting persuades and sells, while content writing informs and engages. Both have their place in marketing, with copywriting driving sales and conversions, and content writing building your brand, educating your audience, and improving your SEO.

When deciding which one you need, consider your goals: do you want to sell, inform, or do a bit of both?

What is copywriting?

Copywriting focuses on persuasive writing and influencing the reader to take action, such as booking a demo or signing up for a newsletter. It involves creating catchy slogans, compelling ads, and emails that encourage the reader to make a purchase. 

Companies use copywriters to directly promote their products or services and convert leads into customers. A good copywriter should have the ability to craft persuasive content that turns readers into leads and ultimately, customers. ⚡️

Copywriting includes:

  • Ads. 
  • Brochures.
  • Website content.
  • Email marketing.
  • Lead nurturing emails.
  • Landing pages.
  • Product descriptions.
  • Slogans.

What is content writing?

Content writing primarily focuses on delivering information and value to the reader. It includes various content formats, such as articles, blogs, white papers, and e-books, typically published on the business’s blog.

Companies hire content writers to create informative and engaging content that educates their audience, builds thought leadership, and drives organic traffic to their websites. A good content writer is adept at conducting research and has a solid understanding of SEO best practices. 🔍

Content writing includes:

  • Newsletters.
  • Podcast scripts.
  • Video scripts.
  • White papers.
  • E-books.
  • Customer case studies.
  • Articles.
  • Blog posts. 

Is copywriting or content writing better for SEO?

Content writing: If you want to increase your website’s organic traffic, content writing should be your go-to option. When writing informative, long-form content, you can incorporate a wider range of relevant keywords, increasing your opportunities for higher rankings. Additionally, creating insightful blog posts and articles can help you earn backlinks, which in turn can boost your website’s domain authority.

Copywriting: Of course, copywriters also play a role in the SEO game, but on a smaller scale. Copywriting can help you improve the ranking of your overall website copy, landing pages, and product descriptions.

Copywriter vs content writer

A copywriter’s job is to create copy that persuades the reader to take action, such as ads, slogans, landing pages, and email marketing. In contrast, a content writer’s job is to create educational content, such as blog posts, articles, white papers, and case studies.

Copywriting focuses on creating persuasive content that drives the reader to take a specific action, such as booking a demo. On the other hand, content writing focuses on creating content that attracts, educates, and engages the reader.

Both copywriting and content writing are essential in content marketing, as they work together to drive conversions. A copywriter creates landing pages to persuade visitors to click the ‘download’ button, while a content writer produces in-depth white papers that provide value to users who download them. Meaning, you really can’t have one without the other.

Copywriter tasks:

  • Crafting persuasive copy to drive user action.
  • Using words to sell specific products or services directly.
  • Crafting punchy headlines and slogans that draw people in.

Content writer tasks:

  • Writing informative, long-form content such as white papers, customer case studies, articles, and blog posts.
  • Keeping content calendars on track, producing relevant content on a regular basis.
  • Collaborating with subject matter experts (SMEs) and conducting interviews to produce unique content.

Can a copywriter also be a content writer?

Yes, a copywriter can also be a content writer. Many professionals in the field of writing are skilled in both copywriting and content writing. While there are distinct differences in the goals and styles of these two roles, there is overlap, and many writers are versatile enough to handle both.

Copywriters are experts in persuasive writing, often used in advertising and marketing, while content writers excel in creating informative and educational content. The key is to understand the specific needs of your projects and hire a writer whose skills align with those needs.

Valuable skills when hiring copywriters and content writers

Writing: Obviously, writing skills are essential, but it’s important to differ between the two types of writing. Copywriters specialize in crafting persuasive short-form content aimed at selling products or services. Meanwhile, content writers focus on developing informative long-form content that educates readers, and establishes thought leadership.

Industry expertise: Copywriters need to have a deep understanding of the product to effectively communicate its features and benefits. Content writers, on the other hand, rely on their industry expertise to research and interview subject matter experts (SMEs) to craft in-depth content on specific niche topics.

SEO: Content writers need solid SEO skills to craft informative articles and blog posts that draw organic traffic. On the other hand, copywriters primarily focus on short, persuasive text to drive specific actions, making SEO less central to their role.

Is copywriting or content writing better for growing businesses?

Choosing between copywriting and content writing depends on your business goals. If you’re looking to increase sales or generate more leads, copywriting is the way to go. Copywriters excel at crafting persuasive content designed to sell products or services.

On the other hand, if you want to increase organic traffic, establish thought leadership, or provide valuable information to your readers, then content writing is the better choice. Content writers specialise in creating educational and informative content that resonates with your target audience.

So, determine your business objectives, and let that guide your decision between copywriting and content writing.

A copywriter can help businesses with:

  • Persuasive landing pages that convert readers into leads and customers.
  • Compelling website copy that markets your products or services.
  • Engaging social media posts that extend your message to a broader audience.
  • Effective email campaigns that encourage recipients to take action.

A content writer can help businesses with:

  • SEO-optimised blog posts that drive organic traffic.
  • Informative white papers that educate and convert readers.
  • In-depth articles that build thought leadership.
  • Customer case studies that convince decision-makers.

When it comes to growing a business, content writing and copywriting have their unique strengths. Content writing is great for building thought leadership and increasing the organic traffic. On the other hand, copywriting is more focused on encouraging immediate action, driving sales and conversions. By combining both approaches, businesses can create a powerful strategy to achieve both short-term and long-term goals.

Are you looking to outsource your content marketing? I’m a content writer who creates blog posts, articles, white papers, and customer case studies for B2B SaaS companies. If it sounds like something your business needs, let’s get in touch!